Your thoughts will plant
Tomorrow’s seeds of action
Each decision, each step
Choice and reaction
Blended like seasons
Of change and chance
Your logical reasons
To dance with romance
Awareness and perception
Just part of the crew
To avoid, deception and
Keep it fresh and new
As life …
Becomes you
-----Doug Swenson 08 / 16 / 2018
Yoga is certainly more than just asana practice and yet the asana practice itself reaches far beyond the illusion of just stretching, twisting and bending. One common translation of Yoga postures, or asana, has the meaning of - seat or position comfortably held. This metaphor of position comfortably held will extend far beyond the vision of a seated yogi, or yogini, as it also reflects the physical and mental position comfortably held in life. In retrospect, yoga asana practice is the window to finding peace, awareness and happiness in everyday life.
As in all things we need a base concept and foundation in order for our idea to grow and fulfill its potential. The yoga postures are a base foundation with limitless potential of physical, mental and spiritual growth – bound only to the mind of the practitioner. Ultimately the yoga asana will develop the power and awareness, energy and perception to navigate a successful path in all of life.
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